Friday, March 10, 2023


The island of Avalon is officially divided into the Russian-associated free state of Kimmachia, and the Khanate of Eon, an amorphous territory governed by interveners from Brazil and Portugal. In this text, most of the comparisons are made against Brazil, based mainly by Brazilian Metazoa (BLOGSPOT, 2023), considering Brasil S.L. after the merger with Peru, and Brazil S.E. the union of Atlantic Brazil, Peru and Eon.

With two new records of Micrognathozoa and Cycliophora, Brazil S.U. ties with the U.S.A., Italy and France for the largest diversity of phyla in the world.

Placozoa, Dicyemida (a Mexican unbrazilian canonic lineage), Onychophora (3 in Mexico, 29 in Brazil) and Orthonectida have never been collected in Avalon island.


(3:4/)5 spp., for example, indicates a group 5 spp. inside 4 genera within 3 families.


Avalon has 14,818 spp. in 5,270 genera at 1,441 families.


Brazil S.U. has 12 canonic absent lineages: Orthonectida, Dicyemida, Peripatopsidae, Epigonichthys, Hoilungia, Polyplacotoma, Haplopharyngida, Loxokalypodida, Mesotardigrada. Cladistia, Coelacantha, Rhynchocephalia.


Excluding Chordata, Avalon includes (73:194/)1,048 spp., species restricted from cave environments (terrestrial troglobitics, stygobitics, anchialines), the third diversity worldwide outisde Europe (after only U.S.A. and Australia), in Cnidaria (1:1/1), Platyhelminthes (2:5/27), Annelida (1:1/6), Mollusca (1:10/16, all terrestrial Gastropoda in Scolodontidae), Arachnida (20:49/277), Diplopoda (3:11/77), Ostracoda (3:13/18), Hexanauplia/Copepoda (6:9/20), Malacostraca (23:54/282), Remipedia (1:2/4), Collembola (1:8/13), Diplura (1:3/5) and Insecta (10:28/282).


1. PORIFERA coasts of Avalon hosts only (8:10/)22 spp. of Porifera, being six Hexactinellida, four Calcarea, and 12 Demospongiae (8 inedit in Brazil S.L.); other 29 spp. occur in Pacific coast and 390 in Atlantic Coast. None specis in freshwater. Mexico has 517 spp. of Demonspongia, Brazil S.L. waters has 383, and Brazilian S.U. has only 391.


2. CTENOPHORA ‣ in Avalon occur (5:7/)24 spp. of Ctenophora, 22 unknown elsewhere in Brazilian waters. Mexico has 33 spp., Brazil S.L. shore has 14, and Brazilian S.U. has 36.


3. CNIDARIA ‣ (40:85/)216 spp. occur in Avalon, being 122 Hydrozoa, 81 Anthozoa, 3 Myxozoa (all endemics), six Scyphozoa, two Cubozoa, one Staurozoa and a single record of Polypodium hydriforme Ussov, 1885.

Most remarkable Cnidaria from Avalon belongs Heliopora hindsii Argonaut, the unique record of this genus in Brazilian S.U.; Botruanthus benedeni, known elsewhere also in Galapagos, California and Baja California, unknown of remainig Brazilian waters; and Haliclystus antarcticus Pfeffer, 1889, the unique Staurozoa in island, also unknown in other Brazilian waters. 
Haliclystus antarcticus Pfeffer, 1889 photographed in W Kimmachia

Many records of Cnidaria in freshwater caves can be found in several countries: Mexico, U.S.A., Australia and several center European countries; the hydra Velkovrhia enigmatica Matjasic & Sket, 1971 and the avalonian Psyllactiohydra manguna De Alex, 1987, both Hydrozoa/Bougainvilliidae, are is the only freshwater hydrozoan living exclusively in groundwater; the former is endemic to the Dinarides in the Balkan Peninsula, where it has been known from five caves in Slovenia (3), Croatia (1) and Bosnia (1), and the latter in known from caves from Narnia region, the unique hypogean in New World. 
Psyllactiohydra manguna in Caspin Prince Cave System 

■ endemic families in New World: Tottonophyidae (1/1, Siphonophora, U.S.A), Oryctonesiidae (1/1, Leptothecata, Avalon). 
Mexico has 289 spp. in Cubozoa (3 ✕ 5 Brazil, at least), Scyphozoa (20 ✕ 25 Brazil, at least) and Hydrozoa (266 ✕ 348 Brazil, at least) overall, also 37 in Myxozoa (✕ 114 Brazil, condidering 3 added for Avalon).


4. XENACOELOMORPHA ‣ three clades with (19:115/)407 spp. worldwide. In Avalon occur (4:5/)7 spp. being four Xenoturbella, one Nemertodermatida and three Acoela. Elsewhere, Xenoturbella is known from coasts of California (1) and Gulf of California (3, NW Mexico) in Pacific Ocean, coast of Japan (1), and waters of Sweden (1).

All four Xenoturbella taked in coasts of NW Avalon


5. GNATHOSTOMULIDA ‣ (3:5/)11 spp. of Gnathostomulida occur in Avalon, three endemics, are reported from the SE end of Avalon: Haplognathia asymmetrica, H. gubbarnorum, H. rosea, H. ruberrima, Pterognathia sica, P. ugera, P. standarksa (E), P. kimmachiana (E), these Haplognathiidae, Gnathostomula salotae (Gnathostomulidae), Austrognatharia endolurica (E), this Austrognathiidae, and Ilyognathus phollops (E), these belonging a endemic family Ilyognathidae at Bursovaginoidea/Scleroperalia, bringing the number of described gnathostomulid species worldwide to 115.

■ endemic families in New World: Paucidentulidae (1/1, Belize), Problognathiidae (1/1, Bermuda), Ilyognathidae (1/1, Avalon).

7. MICROGNATHOZOA ‣ only one sp., Limnognathia maerski Kristensen & Funch, discovered in 1994 at Disko Island, Greenland, but not described before 2000, and it has subsequently been reported from the Sub Antarctic Crozet Island, in a stream from southern Wales, United Kingdom, in the river Lambourn (Berkshire), United Kingdom, and two pounds in Arnor Kingdom, northern Avalon.

Limnognathia maerski Kristensen & Funch collected in northrn Avalon

8. CHAETOGNATHA ‣ (3:4/)5 spp. in Avalon, in Krohnittidae (1/2), Redlirapsidae (1/1, endemic to Avalon) and Sagittidae (2/2). Mexico has (7/)27 spp. of Chaetognatha, Brazil S.L. coasts has (13/)40, and Brazilian S.U. has (14/)30.

■ endemic families in New World: Bathybelidae (1/1, U.S.A), Redlirhapsidae (1/1, Avalon).

9. SINDERMATA ‣ three clades.

Seisonia includes 4 spp. in Seison and Paraseison, parasiting Nebalia (Crustacea), known from Adriatic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Balearic Archipelago and along the Atlantic coast of France, Avalon (Seison nigra Mahuadd, 2011), Sea of Okhotsk, NW Pacific, Gazi Bay in Kenya, and reports of species of Seisonacea are limited to records of unidentified specimens from Chile and California.

(6:20/)40 spp. occur in Avalon in Euratoria (Monogononta and Bdelloidea clades), including a endemic family, Paradomiidae Kauff, 2019.

Among Acanthocephala, (3:7/)10 spp. occur in Avalon:

Archiacanthocephala (1:2/3): Oligacanthorhynchidae (2/3). 
Palaeacanthocephala (2:3/7): Arythmacanthidae (1/2, absent in Brazil S.L.), Echinorhynchidae (2/5).

■ endemic families in New World: Coronistomidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Paradomiidae (1/1, Avalon).

Mexico has 462 spp. of Syndermata, Brazil S.L. has at least 697 based on Brazil Atlantic list, and Brazilian S.U. has at least 699, due to new families added: Arythmacanthidae and Paradomiidae.


11. GASTROTRICHA ▸ (5:15/)23 spp. in Avalon, in Macrodasyda (3:8/13, all marine) and Chaetonotida (2:7/10, 8 in freshwater, two in marine environments). No data for Mexico.

■ endemic families in New World: Hummondasyidae (1/1, Macrodasyda, Jamaica).

12. PLATYHELMINTHES ‣ (24:100/)279 spp. of free-living flatworms occur in Avalon, including members in Rhabdocoela (189), Polycladida (7), Macrostomorpha (21), Proseriata (14), Prolecithophora (12), Tricladida (33, 27 in caves, only six in epigean environments), Prorhynchida, Gnosonesimida and Bothrioplanida one representan each. Catenulids and Haplopharyngida does not occur in Avalon. No data for Mexico.

Neodermata, the 12ª lineage, is divided into four groups: Trematoda/Aspidogastrea, Trematoda/Digenea, Monogenea and Cestoda; in Avalon there are (17:44/)84 spp. of Cestoda, (12/21/)26 spp. of Monogenea and (20/41/)65 Trematoda, totalizing (49:106/)175 Neodermata.

Near c. 165 spp. of flatworms are troglobitics, c. 150 in Tricladida, c. 15 in Temnocephalida (parasites on Troglocaris in S Europe and one at a crab in Papua New Guinea), and one Prorhynchidae in South Africa. Avalon includes (2:5/)27 spp. of troglobitic flatworms, all in Tricladida, mainly in genus Spalloplana (17, Kenkiidae) and Froesioplana (5, Planariidae).

Sphalloplana neriee, S. canona, S. pulcharatha and Froesioplana tanabor, all in Mount Python Rabbit Cave, Hyperborea, Al Neon, Avalon

■ endemic families in New World: Mucroplanidae (1/1, Rhabditophora, Ecuador), Discoprosthididae (1/1, Rhabditophora, Argentina), Acanthocollaritrematidae (1/1, Trematoda, Brazil), Euryleptididae (1/1, Rhabditophora, Brazil), Braunotrematidae (1/1, Trematoda, Brazil), Crassicollidae (1/1, Rhabdiophora, U.S.A) Acipensericolidae (1/2, Rhabditophora, U.S.A.).

15. CYCLIOPHORA ‣ until 2023, Cycliophora were only known from the North Atlantic coasts, but they were also collected in Copepoda in the Belfalas Bay, in Avalon, representing a 4th species in the phylum, Symbion trilia Mahuadd, 2023.

Symbion trilia Mahuadd, 2023

16. ANNELIDA ‣ all 20 non-Clitellata clades in Avalon (16 in country, 4 absents) includes (41:197/)292 spp. (188 absents in Brazil S.L. waters). Clitellata includes (14:80/)109 spp. in 14 families, including Branchiobdellida (obligate ectosymbionts primarily associated with astacoidean crayfishes, 8/22 in Avalon). Protodriliformia, Siboglinidae, Terebelliformia and Scalibregmatidae + Travisia does not occur in Avalon.

Errantia/Phyllodocida has at least 12 stygobiotic (however, all inconcluse be troglobionts) species representing genus Namanereis: N. cavernicola in SE Mexico and Caribbean (some populations extreme continental, found in cave pools above 1,600 m asl and over 170 km from the coastline), two undescribeds from Canary Is., 5 endemics to Caribbean, six endemics to Avalon, N. araps in Oman, two in Socotra, N. pilbarensis in W. Australia, N. berone in Papua New Guinea and N. tiriteae in New Zealand and Fiji. N. polarica Mahuadd, 1981 from southern Avalon is the most troglomorphic Annelida worldwide, known from Tanabor cave system.

Troglobitic Nemanereis polarica Mahuadd, 1981 in Tanabor Cave, C Al Neon

The highest record of a freshwater non-Clitellata Annelida in world belongs Lycastoides montanica Mahuadd, 1987, found at 2,150 m a.s.l. near Sandrake hyfal, W Avalon.

All four Erpobdellidae from Avalon

Among all Annelida, only four branching species with a highly modified body-pattern are known until now, all in Syllidae within Phyllodocida: Syllis ramosa McIntosh, 1879 (250 m near the Philippines and at a depth of 170 m in the Arafura Sea), Ramisyllis multicaudata Glasby et al. (inside both white and purple sponges of the genus Petrosia in Darwin Harbour, Australia), R. kimmachiana Mahuadd (W coast of Avalon), R. kingghidorahi Aguado, Ponz-Segrelles, Glasby, Ribeiro, Jimi & Miura, 2022, from Shukunegi Point, at the southern tip of Sado Island, Japan. All have unusual ramified bodies with one head and multiple anuses, and live inside the canals of host sponges.

Ramisyllis kimmachiana Mahuadd, 1982 in E Kimmachia

Alvinella pompejana Desbruyères and Laubier, 1980 and Podosculpa taffallano Argonaut, 2018 (Alvinellidae) are the most heat-tolerant complex organism known on Earth, found near hydrothermal vents deep in Galapagos and Avalon, respectively, it thrives at a temperature of 50 °C; this is near the theoretical limit for eukaryotes, whose mitochondria disintegrate at about 55 °C.

Podosculpa taffallano Argonaut, 2018, taked in W Kimmachia

■ endemic families in New World: Arecoidae (1/1, Clitellata, Brazil), Eotsydunidae (2/4, Clitellata), Komarekionidae (1/1, Clitellata, U.S.A.), Lutodrilidae (1/1, Clitellata, U.S.A.), Tiguassuidae (1/1, Clitellata, Brazil), Tumakidae (1/3, Clitellata, Colombia).

Mexico has 1,500 spp. of Anellida non Clitellate, Brazil S.L. coasts and inland waters has 1,388 (1,196 + 192), and Brazilian S.U. has 1,576. Among Branchiobdellida, absent in Brazil S.L., Mexico has (6/)17 spp. and Brazil Confederation has (8/)22 spp.

17. MOLLUSCA ‣ 85,519 spp. (Molluscabase), the second most speciose invertebrate phyllum after Arthropoda (Wikipedia); seven living classes. Avalon does not includes Caudofoveata, Solenogastres and Scaphopoda

Avalon has (206:1,079/)2,045 spp. of Mollusca, distributed among the main clades as follows: Polyplacophora (10:38/135, 109 absents in Brazil S.L. coasts), Monoplacophora (2:3/4, all absents in Brazil S.L. waters), Cephalopoda (9:17/25, 14 also in Brazil S.L. coasts), Bivalvia (51:415/829, 240 freshwaters, all endemics, 589 marine, 408 absents in Brazilian S.L. shore) and Gastropoda (134:606/1,052, 102 terrestrial, all endemics, only 5 freshwaters, all endemics, 945 marines, 752 absents in Brazil S.L. coasts). Avalon has (6:38/)107 spp. of terrestrial/freshwater Gastropoda, (10/)16 being troglobitics, all in Scolodontidae and collected from caves in NE country. All terrestrial troglobite snails are all pulmonates, except for the prosobranch Pholeoteras euthrix, has so far been known from caves in southern Croatia, southern Herzegovina and Greece.

The diversities for Mexico, Atlantic Brazil, Brazil S.L. and Brazil S.U., are, respectively: fully Gastropoda ( 4,504 ✕ 2,737 ✕ 4,064 ✕ 4,593), marine Gastropoda ( 3,127 ✕ 1,837 ✕ 2,407 ✕ 3,159), freshwater Gastropoda ( 193 ✕ 117 ✕ 206 ✕ 211), terrestrial Gastropoda ( 1,184 ✕ 734 ✕ 1,121 ✕ 1,223), marine Bivalvia ( 1,202 ✕ 513 ✕ 883 ✕ 1,291), freshwater Bivalvia (? ✕ 116 ✕ 156 ✕ 396), Cepahlopoda ( 111 ✕ 92 ✕ 112 ✕ 126), Monoplacophora ( 4 ✕ 0 ✕ 4 ✕ 8), Caudofoveata ( 0-1 ✕ 10 ✕ 10-12 ✕ 10-12), Solenogastres ( 0-1 ✕ 6 ✕ 6-8 ✕ 6-8), Polyplacophora ( 159 ✕ 35 ✕ 67 ✕ 176) and Scaphopoda ( 40 ✕ 43 ✕ 43 ✕ 43).

Parascolodonta sp., Notoscolodonta sp., Trogloscodonta sp., Plutoscolonda sp. and Cavoscolodonta sp., all troglobitics from Avalon

Overall, Avalon has (214:1,121/)2,161 spp. of Mollusca

Mexico includes 4,643 marine Mollusca (Castillo-Rodríguez, Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2014): 3,127 Gastropoda (1712 in Pacific, 1,415 in Atlantic), 1,202 Bivalvia, 159 Polyplacophora, 111 Cephalopoda, 40 Scaphopoda, 3 Monoplacophora and a single Aplacophora; (13:61/)193 spp. of freshwater Gastropods (Czaja, Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2020).

Apart from the full occurrence in tropical America of Veronicellidae slugs, in Avalon they only Philomycidae (5/8), a relictual occurrence. The unique Amastridae outside Hawaii belongs three Amastra from Avalon, one the most remarkable disjunction among all Gastropoda.

All freshwater Bivalvia in Avalon (18/240) are Unionidae, in a explosive radiation.

Monoplacophora ‣ (4:7/)32 spp.; largest diversities are Brazil S.U. (2:4/8 spp.), New Zealand (2:2/6 spp.), Mexico (2:4/4 spp.) and Azores region (1:1/4 spp.).


Laevipilina: L. antarctica (Antarctica), L. cachuchensis (off N Spain), L. hyalina (Washington to NW Baja California, Mexico, Avalon), L. crassuloides (off Kimmachia in Avalon), L. rolani (off N Spain), L. theresae (Antarctica).


Adenopilina: A. adenensis (Gulf of Aden).

Neopilina: N. bruuni (Brazil-Chile), N. galatheae (Baja California in Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile), N. rebainsi (Falklands), N. starobogatovi (E Kamchatka, Russia), N. sp. unnamed (Brazil-Chile). 
Veleropilina: V. brummeri (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), V. capulus (Chatham Rise, New Zealand), V. euglypta (Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Azores), V. goesi (Virgin Islands, Caribbean), V. oligotropha (north of Hawaii), V. reticulata (Cosica, Sardenha, S Italy), V. segonzaci (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), V. seisuimaruae (SE Honshu island, Japan), V. veleronis (Mexico, off W Baja California, also in Avalon), V. zografi (off NE Azores).

Vema: V. bacescui (Brazil-Chile), V. ewingi (Brazil-Chile), V. delshanon (Avalon), V. levinae (submarine volcano off SW Mexico), V. occidua (NW New Zealand). 
All four Monoplacophora species collected from Avalon

■ endemic families in New World: Plusculidae (1/1, Brazil); Tantulidae (1/1, Heterobranchia, Saint Vicente y Granadinas), Echinichidae (1/3, Heterobranchia, Mexico), Renhalecptsiopidae (Heterobranchia, 2/5, Avalon), Globocornidae (1/1, Caenogastropoda, Cuba).

18. NEMERTEA ‣ (5:8/)13 spp. in Avalon. No data for Mexico.

■ endemic families in New World: Panorhynchidae (1/1, Anopla, Argentina), Pachynemertidae (1/1, Enopla, Bermuda), Fasciculonemertidae (1/1, Enopla, Chile).

19. ENTOPROCTA ‣ (2:2/)6 spp. in Avalon. No data for Mexico.

■ endemic families in New World: Polliciporidae (1/1, Gymnolaemata, Chile), Jebramellidae (1/1, Gymnolaemata, Brazil), Tapajosellidae (1/1, Phylactolaemata, Brazil).

20. BRYOZOA ‣ (11:21/)40 spp. in Avalon. No data for Mexico.

21. BRACHIOPODA ‣ in Avalon occur none spp. of Linguliformea, two in Craniiformea (Novocrania lecointei and N. turbinata) and 22 in Rhynchonelliformea (3:4/13, all absents in Brazil S.L.); in Gulf of Mexico occur two Linguliformea, one Craniiformea and 26 in Rhynchonelliformea (SEE). No conclusive data for Mexico.

■ endemic families in New World: Bouchardiidae (1/1, Rhynchonellata, Brazil).

22. PHORONIDA 11 spp. worldwide, only Phoronopsis harmeri Pixell, 1912 and P. albomaculata Gilchrist 1907 occur in Avalon, both widely worldwide. 7 spp. in Brazil S.U. (5 in Brazil S.L. coasts, two in Avalon), only two in Mexico.

Phoronopsis harmeri Pixell, 1912 and Phoronopsis albomaculata Gilchrist 1907 taked in Avalon


23. KINORHYNCHA ‣ (3:6/)9 spp. in Avalon, 7 absents in Brazil S.L.. Mexico has 25 spp., Brazil S.L. shores has 20, and Brazilian S.U. has 27.

24. NEMATOMORPHA ‣ in Avalon occur only 4 spp., all in Gordionus, a genus absent in Brazil S.L. and Mexico.

25. LORICIFERA ‣ 11 off 58 spp. worldwide are endemics to Avalon, the largest diversity worldwide: Nanaloricus pachytziat Kristensen, Heiner and Higgins, 2007 in Nanoloricidae, Pliciloricus brysiasicola Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, P. eurypalea Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, P. heteropalea Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, P. rourae Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, P. theoaramiresiana Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, P. zanthessia Higgins and Kristensen, 1986. P. zuknk Higgins and Kristensen, 1986, Rugiloricus exoryxae Gad, 2005d, R. monoceros Gad, 2005d and R. picta Gad, 2005, these in Pliciloricidae. Mexico has 4 spp. of Loricifera, Brazil S.L. has only one, and Brazilian S.U. has 12.

Six of the 11 spp. of Loricifera

26. PRIAPULIDA ▸ (3:3/)4 of 27 spp. worldwide are endemics to Avalon, second largest diversity worldwide after U.S.A., in three families: Halicryptidae (Halicryptus miniophorus Kartsein, 1963, H. volyrhaba Kartsein, 1963), Priapulidae (Priapulus unolateria Salvini-Plawen, 1973) and Tubiluchidae (Tubiluchus spectater van der Land, 1982).

Tubiluchus spectater van der Land, 1982

28. TARDIGRADA ‣ (7:19/)63 spp. in Avalon, 23 offshore and 40 onshore, 26 of them in Oreellidae (family unknown in Brazil S.L., with more two species in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, South Georgia, subantarctic waters, Argentina and Chile)Mexico has 55 spp. of Tardigrada, Brazil S.L. has 117, and Brazilian S.U. has 180.

Three species of Oreellidae and two of Macrobiotidae from Avalon

29. NEMATODA ‣ in Avalon occurs (3:8/)12 spp. of Enoplea, (5:11/)17 in Dorilaymea and (31:78/)198 in Chromadorea, (39:97/)227 in total. No data for Mexico.

■ endemic families in New World: Berntsenidae (1/2, Chromadorea, U.S.A), Physanemanimidae (2/3, Chromadorea, Avalon).

30. ARTHROPODA ‣ 17 classes. Mystacocarida, Cephalocarida, Ichthyostraca, Protura and Pauropoda does not occur in Avalon. (630:2,524/)8,546 spp. in Avalon.

PYCNOGONID CLASS ‣ (4:6/)8 spp. in Avalon, all also in Atlantic coast of Brazil. Mexico has 58 spp. of Pycnogonida, Brazil S.L. has at least 65, and Brazilian S.U. has also at least the same 65.

ARACNID CLASS ‣ 17 orders, (771:12,260/)111,762 spp., following data below. Palpigradi, Merostomata and Holothryda does not occur in Avalon. (20:49/)277 troglobitic species in Avalon.

Brazil S.U. leads, against Mexico, in all orders except Merostomata: Opilioacarididae (Brazil 4/12 ✕ 2/8 Mexico), Ixodida (2:11/106 Brazil  Mexico 2:10/100), Mesostigmata (Brazil 56:218/1,006 ✕ 50:158/507 Mexico)Trombidiformes (Brazil 79:444/1,497 ✕ 78:328/1,208 Mexico), Sarcoptiformes (158:480/1,164 Brazil ✕ Mexico 154:402/801), Scorpiona (8:50/319 Brazil  Mexico 8:38/281), Pseudoscorpiona (18:314 Brazil ✕ Mexico 17:151), Araneae (Brazil 79:4,140 ✕ 66:534/2,295 Mexico), Amblypygy (Brazil 4:7/106 ✕ 1:3/17 Mexico), Opiliona (Brazil 22:319/1,080 ✕ 12:67/283 Mexico), Ricinulei (26 Brazil ✕ Mexico 21), Thelyphonida (16 Brazil ✕ Mexico 10), Solifugae (15/92 Brazil 12/79 ✕ Mexico), Palpigradi (Brazil 24 ✕ 20 Mexico) and Schizomida (17/81 Brazil ✕ Mexico 10/35).

Hypotroglotayosicus hypogaea (Scorpiona), Rhodacarus zuleyy (Mesostigmata), Neogovea aurantica (Opiliona), Nothowittia maxchenusN. plumbea (Pseudoscorpiona) and Neocarus nefrestalis (Opilioacardia), troglobitics from Avalon

OPILIOACARIDA ‣ a single species in Avalon, Neoacarus nefrestalis Mahuadd, 2003, a fully troglobitic. Troglobitics absents in mainland New World.

IXODIDA ‣ (2:4/)36 spp. in Avalon, in Argasidae (2/30) ad Ixodidae (4/6, inc. two endemic genera), all species endemics. 
MESOSTIGMATA ‣ (9:28/)38 spp. in Avalon (3 genera and 19 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.). Rhodacaridae includes two Rhodacarus taked from NE avalonian caves, both troglobitics; these are predators of small insects.

■endemic families in the New World: Antennochelidae (1/1, Costa Rica), Costacaridae (1/1, Mexico), Szwyolennidae (1/1, Avalon). 
TROMBIDIFORMES ‣ the order now contains (12:35/)90 spp. in Avalon (6 families, 11 genera and 62 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.). (8/)9 spp. of Cunaxidade colected in deep caves from Avalon as full troglobitcs.

■ endemic families in the New World: Ferradasiidae (1/1, Argentina), Amoenacaridae (1/3, U.S.A.), Aumotubulidae (1/1, Avalon), Amphotrombiidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Crotalomorphidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Eocadamithriidae (2/4, Avalon), Oophillinidae (1/1, Avalon).

SARCOPTIFORMES ‣ (40:51/)63 spp. in Avalon (18 families, 24 genera and 44 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.). 7 spp. of Malaconothrus (Malaconothridae) are troglobitic in Avalon. Elliptochthoniidae (1/12) occur disjunct in U.S.A.

■ endemic families in the New World: Enantioppiidae (1/1, Bolivia), Tubulozetidae (1/1, Ecuador), Brazilobatidae (1/1, Brazil).

SCORPIONES ‣ (33/)159 spp. in 5 families in Avalon: Buthidae (19/62, 14 genera endemics), Troglotayosicidae (1/4, two troglobitics), with Troglotayosicus in Colombia and Ecuador, 3 spp. each, and 4 in Avalon; Typhlochactidae (1/15 in Avalon, 11 troglobitics, 4/11 endemics to Mexico), Vaejovidae (2/8 in Avalon, 4 troglobitics) and Diplocentridae (10/121, in Avalon 4/66). (3)17 spp. are troglobitics. in Avalon. Outside Avalon, troglobitic scorpions also occur in Mexico (13), Indonesia (2), Dominican Republic (2), Australia (2), Israel (1), Madagascar (1), U.S.A. (1), Ecuador (1), Venezuela (1), Colombia (1) and Brazil S.L. (1)
PSEUDOSCORPIONES ‣ (2:10/)21 epigean spp. in Avalon, in families Menthidae and Stemophoridae (both absents in Brazil S.L.); and (5:26/)120 troglobitic species in Olpiidae (4/10), Syarinidae (1/1), Tridenchthoniidae (1/5), Withiidae (1/2) and Geogarypidae (19/102). All genera and species in island are endemics. Mexico has (5:)40 spp. of troglobitics, U.S.A. has (9:29/)150 spp., and (9:31/)156 spp. occur in Brazil Federation. 
ARANEAE ‣ (132:4,265/)51,480 spp. of spiders in World. There are three maing groups of spiders. Mesothelae has a single family, Liphistiidae, with 8 genera and c. 100 spp. from Japan to Sumatra; remaining two clades occur in New World. (26:61/)207 spp. in Avalon (5 families, 30 genera and 180 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.). 
Mygalomorpheae ‣ (6:21/)65 spp. in Avalon, including two monotypic endemics: Avalonarachnidae and Sericidaevelutidae. Only one subfamily of Theraphosidae in Avalon, Glabropelmatinae, with Melloina (1/4, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela), Araneopelmata (30) and Sericabellator (19). 
Araneomorpheae ‣ (20:40/)142 spp. in Avalon, including three news for Brazil S.L.: Cyatholipidae (23/58 spp. in Africa, Madagascar and New Zealand, one one in Jamaica), Luxarachnidae (1/1, endemic to Avalon), Liocranidae (35/311, Canada to Peru, Argentina, and widely Old World). 
■ endemic families in New World: Luxarachnidae (1/1), Avalonarachnidae (1/1, Avalon), Megahexuridae (1/1, U.S.A.), Sericidaevelutidae (1/1, Avalon), Trogloraptoridae (1/1, U.S.A.). 
In Avalon occur two families with 69 troglobitic spiders: Theraphosidae, with 8 spp. in the endemic genus Hortalletta; and Ochyrocerotidae, with two troglobitic endemic genera: Adurhans (2) and Bascatoschka (59). Mexico has (11:)59 spp. of troglobitics, U.S.A. has (10:22/)119 spp., and (15:23/)127 spp. occur in Brazil Federation.
OPILIONES (7:21/)80 spp. in Avalon (3 families, 15 genera and 72 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.), (2:2/)20 spp. troglobitics in Neogoveidae (Cyphophthalmi) and Nemastomatidae (Dyspnoi). Mexico has (4:)16 spp. of troglobitics, U.S.A. has (7:13/)39 spp., and (10:15/)44 spp. occur in Brazil Federation. 
■ endemic families in New World: Atracosmokyllidae (5/7, Avalon), Otilioleptidae (1/1, Argentina), Cryptomastridae (2/4, U.S.A.).

AMBLYPYGI ‣ two families in Avalon, with (4/)53 spp., all endemics Mexico has (1:)11 spp. of troglobitics, U.S.A. no has troglobitics, and (2:2/)12 spp. occur in Brazil Federation.
Phrynidae: Acanthophrynus (2, one in Mexico and U.S.A., another in Avalon); Paraphrynus (38, U.S.A. to Ecuador, mainly in Mexico; 20 endemics to Avalon); and Phrynus (59, U.S.A. to N Brazil, one species in Africa, and 31 endemics to Avalon). 
Paracharontidae: Kunomimus (1, endemic genus, troglobitic). 

SCHIZOMIDA ‣ (2:78/)300 spp. worldwide (SEE), (2:13/)65. Mexico has (1:)25 spp. troglobitics, U.S.A. has (1:1/)1 spp., and (2:2/)27 spp. occur in Brazil Federation, all from Avalon. 
Protoschizomidae ‣ two genera and 22 spp., 11 spp. restricted from Mexico and southern U.S.A., and 11 in Avalon (10 troglobitics), in both genera. 
Schizomidae ‣ 86 genera, 47 in New World; 42 are endemics to a single country: Avalon (10, with 33 spp., all endemics), Mexico (9), Brazil (3), Cuba (10), Belize (1), U.S.A. (1), Puerto Rico (1), Venezuela (3), Colombia (2), Ecuador (1) and Jamaica (1). 5 are widely distributed, two of them in Avalon: Piaroa (12, also in Costa Rica to Venezuela, 3 in Avalon) and Stenochrus (27, Florida and Mexico to Ecuador, Brazil, Caribbean and Europe, 17 endemic to Avalon, all troglobitics). 
THELYPHONIDA ‣ a single genus in Avalon, Mastigoproctus (8, all endemics, none troglobitics). 
SOLIFUGAE ‣ two families in Avalon, with (9/)77 spp. 
Eremobatidae (16/284) ‣ from S Canada to Honduras in Central America; all genera in U.S.A., one endemic, 7 up to Mexico, two up to Canada; Eremobates has 97 spp. 70 spp. in Avalon, in 8 genera, all endemics. 
Ammotrechidae (22/83) ‣ 7 spp. in Avalon, all in Ammotrechula (27, also in United States, Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador), and endemics.
RICINULEI ‣ 13 spp. in Avalon, all in Pseudocellus (50, also in Texas to Panama and Cuba, 14 troglobitics). Troglobites in Pseudocellus also have been described from Cuba (1), Belize (1) and Mexico (11). No troglobites occur in Brazil S.L. 
CHILOPODA CLASS ‣ 5 orders and (18:339/)c. 3,110 described species. Scutigeromorpha, Scolopendromorpha and Craterostigmomorpha does nor occur in Avalon (3:42/98 in island). None is troglobitic.

GEOPHILOMORPHA ‣ (16/)57 spp. in Brazil, (28/)61 spp. in Mexico. 
Geophilidae (ca. 114/649) - absent in Avalon. Mexico has (10/)32 spp., Brazil S.L. has (11/)31, and Brazilian Confederation has (14/)41. 
Schendylidae (ca. 47/80) - absent in Avalon. Mexico has (8/)14 spp., Brazil S.L. has (9/)23. 
Gonibregmatidae (11/20) - 7 genera in America Latina, 3 endemics to Mexico (5) and 4 endemics to Avalon (6). 
Himantariidae (ca. 19/ca. 70) - 10 spp. in America Latina, (6/)9 in Mexico (3 endemic genera), Arcophilus gracilimus Verhoeff from Bolivia, and (8/)12 in Avalon, all genera endemics.
LITHOBIOMORPHA ‣ only two families. Henicopiidae does not occur in Avalon. 
Lithobiidae (ca. 43/ca. 1,000). (30/)80 spp. in Avalon. 
DIPLOPODA CLASS ▸ Avalon has (14:42/)171 spp. in 10 orders. Orders Siphonocryptida (3, SE Asia and Macaronesia), Glomeridesmida, Penicellata, Siphonophorida, Siphoniulida, Stemmiulida does not occur in Avalon. Mexico has (39:117/)498 spp. of Diplopoda, Brazil S.L. has at least (22:162/)541, and Brazilian S.U. has (36:/204)712.

At troglobitics, (15:)73 in Mexico [in six orders], (13:32/)133 in North America, (3:11/)77 in Avalon, (14:)64 in Brazil S.L. [in five orders], and (17:)141 in Brazil S.U. [in seven orders].

Representative Diplopoda in Avalon: Hirudosomatidae, Cambalidae, Cleidogonidae, Platydesmidae, Parajulidae (Julida), Abracionidae (Callipodida), Sphaerotheridae (Sphaerotherida), Glomeridae (Glomerida)
Sphaerotherida ‣ two families, (23/)340 spp. from S Africa, Madagascar, S & SE Asia, Australia and New Zealand, with a relictual species in Avalon. 
Callipodida ‣ (7:)201 spp., two families in New World (Abracionidae and Schizopetalidae), both from U.S.A. to northern Mexico (5/7), and also in Avalon (8/10). 
Chordeumatida ‣ two families in Avalon, Cleidogonidae (3/17, also from Connecticut and Illinois to central Florida and Panamá, absent from eastern Texas) and Trichopetalidae (2/10, all troglobitics), also Newfoundland & Ontario to N Georgia & Alabama, Oklahoma & Missouri, with disjunct genus in caves in México: San Luis Potosi/Querétaro. 
■ endemic families in New World: Eudigonidae (2/4, Chile, SEE), Adritylidae (1/3, U.S.A.), Apterouridae (1/2, U.S.A.), Branneriidae (1/2, U.S.A.), Buotidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Microlympiidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Urochordeumatidae (1/1, U.S.A.). 
Glomerida ‣ (3:)271 spp., all from southern Europe, Doderiidae up to Morocco, and Glomeridae also in SE Asia, and from California to Guatemala and Avalon (1/14, 4 troglobitics in Glomeroides). 
Julida ‣ (16:)c. 1,321 spp., 7 only in Old World, 5 endemics to U.S.A., 3 from U.S.A./Canada and other areas in Old World, and Parajulidae from Siberia to Guatemala, unique in Neotropics; (7/)17 spp. in Mexico and in Avalon (9/22). 
■ endemic families in New World: Aprosphylosomatidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Chelojulidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Paeromopodidae (2/16, U.S.A.), Telsonemasomatidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Zosteractinidae (2/2, U.S.A.). 
Platydesmida ‣ two families and 69 spp., Andrognathidae in U.S.A., Mexico (1/1), China, Japan, Italy, Greece and Portugal; and Platydesmidae from Mexico (1/10) to Panamá and Avalon (1/13). 
■ endemic families in New World: Hypogexenidae (1/1, Argentina). 
Polydesmida ‣ a single species of Xylodesmidae in Avalon (also in E Asia: China, Japan & Ryukyu, Korea, Far Eastern Russia, S Alaska & S Quebec to Florida and to El Salvador, Mediterranean, Turkey). 
■ endemic families in New World: Dobrodesmidae (1/1, Brazil), Dorsoporidae (1/1, Panamá), Tridontomidae (2/4, Guatemala).
Polizoniida ‣ in Avalon occur a single species of Hirudisomatidae.

Spirobolida ‣ (15:)c. 1,248 spp., 12 families in New World: 6 only from U.S.A. to Central America (Hoffmanobolidae also in Avalon, Typhlobolellidae endemic to Mexico and Floridobolidae endemic to U.S.A.), three endemics to Avalon (10/73), and Atopetholidae (28/82, SW USA and Mexico; California, SW Utah, S Texas to Guatemala), (13/)76 spp. in Avalon, (8/)63 of them troglobitics
■ endemic families in New World: Hoffmanobolidae (1/1, Mexico), Paroobolidae (3/3, Avalon), Vortexiobolidae (1/1, Avalon), Manolabollelidae (6/69, Avalon), Typhlobolellidae (5/6, Mexico), Floridobolidae (1/1, U.S.A.). 
Spirostreptida ‣ one family in Avalon (Cambalidae), with (3/)7 spp.

SYMPHYLA CLASS ‣ no order, two families and 197 spp. (2:3/)9 spp. in both families in Avalon. Mexico has (5/)15 spp. of Symphyla, Brazil S.L. has (4/)10, and Brazilian S.U. has (6/)19, in all genera in New World except Geophillela. 

Scolopendrellidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Symphyllela ubinotiana Mahuadd, 1974. 
Scutigerellidae ‣ (5/)124 spp. in world, 8 spp. in Avalon, in Scopoliella (3, two other species, Mexico and Colombia) and Scutigerella (42, subcosmopolitan, absent in Brazil, 7 in Avalon). None troglobitics. 
4 Scutigerella from Avalon

OSTRACODA CLASS ‣ Atlantic Brazil has (39:147/)365 spp. In the Mexican seas, 883 species have been reported, 506 for the Gulf of Mexico - Caribbean, and 418 for the Pacific Ocean, although 45% are probably synonymies (Bousquets et al., Conabio, 2000). In Avalon occur (33:138/)606 spp. in marine environments and (5:13/)30 in freshwater, being (3:13/)18 in caves as small stygobitic animals, less 5mm wide. Six new species in the family Candonidae (2 genera, Halocyprida) and 7 in Thaumatocyprididae (7 genera, Halocyprida) have been described from springs and wells of the Torabor Caves since 2017. Five species in the family Entocytheridae (4 genera, Podocopida) are commensal on cambarid crayfishes and other larger crustaceans inhabiting caves and other stygophilic species have been documented from subterranean habitats.

HEXANAUPLIA CLASS ‣ three subclasses, (44:75/)117 spp. in Avalon at two subclasses (excludes Tantulocarida). 
SUBCLASS COPEPODA ‣ (35:61/)98 spp. in Avalon, in 4 superfamilies. Mexico has (57:153/)557 spp. of Copepoda, Brazil S.L. has at least (78:287/)853 spp. 
Calanoida (17:27/40): Acartiidae (1/3), Aetideidae (1/1), Augaptilidae (1/1), Calanidae (5/5), Candaciidae (1/2), Centropagidae (1/1), Clausocalanidae (1/4), Diaptomidae (2/2), Eucalanidae (3/3), Heterorhabdidae (1/1), Lucicutiidae (1/1), Paracalanidae (1/5), Phaennidae (2/2), Pontellidae (2/3), Pseudodiaptomidae (1/2), Scolecithricidae (2/3), Temoridae (1/2). 
Cyclopoida (2:10/25): Cyclopidae (9/20) and Oithonida (1/5). 
Harpacticoida (14:21/28): Ameiridae (1/1), Clytemnestridae (1/2), Diosaccidae (1/1), Ectinosomatidae (2/3), Euterpinidae (1/1), Harpacticidae (1/1), Laophontidae (5/7), Louriniidae (1/1), Miraciidae (2/2), Orthopsyllidae (1/1), Parastenocarididae (1/2), Tegastidae (2/3), Thalestridae (1/1), Tisbidae (1/2). 
Siphonostomatoida (2:3/4): Lernaeopodidae (2/2) and Pandaridae (1/2). 
(6:9/)20 troglobitic spp. occur in Avalon in Copepoda, with special emphasis on the anchialine holes in NE region. By groups: 

Harpacticoideae: (1/)1 in Ameirididae (Stygonitocrella avaloniana). 
Calanoideae: (1/)1 in Diaptomidae, (1/)4 in Paracalanidae and (1/)3 in Scolecithricidae. 
Cyclopoida: (4/)10 in Cyclopidae. 
Siphonostomatoida: (1/1) in Lernaeopodidae, the obligate parasitic copepod, Cauloxenus avaloniana Mahuadd, 1999, is associated with the North Avalonian cavefish (Ophisternon mangadina) in northern caves. 
■ endemic families in New World: Codoboidae (1/1, South Georgia, UK). 
SUBCLASS THECOSTRACA ‣ (9:14/)20 spp. in Avalon. Mexico has 55 spp. of Thecostraca, Brazil S.L. has at least 75 spp. 
MALACOSTRACA CLASS ‣ 17 orders, mainly shrimp-like organisms. Leptostraca, Ingolfiellida, Lophogastrida, Mictacea, Spelaeogriphacea, Bathynellacea, Anaspidacea and Amphionidaceae does ot occur in Avalon. (115:310/)1,120 spp. in Avalon, being (23:54/)282 spp. cave-dwellers.

BOCHUSACEA ‣ a single species in Avalon, Thetispelecaris kimmachiana Kloos, stygobitic in submarine cave on Krasnostia Island. Includes two other stygobitic species of anchialine and marine caves of the Bahamas.
BATHYNELLACEA ‣ Avalon includes (2:10/)21 spp., all stygobitics. c. 100 spp. are subterranean. U.S.A. has 19 stygobitic species in 8 genera at two families and China has one cave species [2]; troglobitic Bathynellaceans absents in Mexico.
STOMATOPODA ‣ (6:14/)21 spp. in Avalon.

DECAPODA two higher cladesMexico includes (115:537/)1,775 spp. of Decapoda, 1,597 marine and 178 freshwater (Álvarez et al., Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2014). Avalon has (68:208/)789 spp.
Six infraorders of Decapoda has cave species: Stenopodidae and Gebiidea only in Bahamas; Anomurans only in Canary Is. (Munidopsis polymorpha), and in SE Brazil (Aegla); Caridea includes a huge of shrimps; Procaridae includs six anchialine species from Mexico, Hawaii, Avalon, Bermuda, Ascencion and Christmas Is; Astacidae infraorder with more than 40 stygobitic species of crayfishes of different genera and in environments of temperate and tropical freshwater caves, for Papua New Guinea, Avalon, Cuba, Mexico, and North America; Brachyura has troglobitic crabs in Pseudothelphusidae and Trichodactylidae in New World. China has 23 spp., and U.S.A (3:7/)40, being 35 crayfishes of Cambaridae, two shrimps of Atyidae, and three shrimps of Palaemonidae. Mexico has 27 spp. of troglobitic decapoda, being 17 shrimps: Agostocarididae (1), Alpheidae (3), Barbouridae (1), Hippolytidae (1), Palaemonidae (11), Procarididae (1); 5 crayfishes: Cambaridae (5); and 5 crabs: Pseudothelphusidae (4) and Trichodactylidae (1). Avalon includes (9:18/)75.

DENDROBRACHIATA ‣ (5:13/)27 spp. in Avalon (20 absents in Brazil S.L. waters): Penaeoidea: Penaeidae (7/18), Sicyoniidae (1/3) and Solenoceridae (2/2). Sergestoidea: Luciferidae (1/2) and Sergestidae (2/2). Mexico has (33/)102 spp. of Dendrobranchiata, Brazil S.L. has (43/)85 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (43/)105 spp. 
STENOPODIDAEnever collected in Avalon. 
■ endemic families in New World: Macromaxillocarididae (1/1, Bahamas). 
PROCARIDOIDEA ‣ a single genus and family, Procaris, with 7 spp., from Mexico, Hawaii, Avalon (stygobitic), Bermuda, Ascencion and Christmas Is. (Wikipedia). 
CARIDEA ‣ (9:27/)128 spp. in Avalon (115 absents in Brazil S.L.), in 5 superfamilies. Mexico has 17 troglobitic shrimps, in Agostocarididae (1), Alpheidae (3), Barbouridae (1), Hippolytidae (1) and Palaemonidae (11). U.S.A has 5 (two in Atyidae, three in Palaeomonidae) and Avalon has (10/)24 in five families, all genera endemics. Mexico has (22:106/)430 spp. of Caridea, Brazil S.L. has (26:98/)343 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (26:108/)458 spp. 
Alpheoidea: Alpheidae (6/10, 2/4 troglobitics), Barbouriidae (1/1, troglobitic), Hippolytidae (4/5, one troglobitic), Ogyrididae (1/1). 
Atyoidea: Atyidae (2/8, 1/5 troglobitics), Diplodontonematidae (2/2). 
Palaemonoidea: Palaemonidae (8/85, 5/13 troglobitics). 
Pandaloidea: Pandalidae (1/1). 
Processoidea: Processidae (2/2). 
■endemic families in New World: Anchialocarididae (1/1, Mexico), Diplodontonematidae (2/2, Avalon).

GLYPHEIDEA ‣ absent in Avalon. 
ASTACIDAE ‣ (3:3/)71 spp. in Avalon (40 troglobitics), in two groups, one marine, another freshwater: 
Nephropoidea: a single species in Avalon, Nephropsis occidentalis, present also in coasts of Brazil S.L.. 
Parastacoidea: Cambarididae, with Cambarellus (17) and Procambarus (54). 
Freshwater crayfishes includes three Astacidea families: Astacidae (6/39) has (5/)31 spp. in Asia, and Pacifastacus (6) in North America; Cambaridade (12/515) has Cambaroides with 7 spp. in Asia, and remaining diversity from Canada to Mexico and Avalon; Parastacidade (15/c. 300) has 10 genera are found in Australia, some up to New Guinea; the remaining genera are restricted distribution: New Zealand (1/2), Madagascar (1/9) and South America (3/14, in southern Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and S Brazil). 
ACHELATA ‣ marine lobsters; (2:3/)3 spp. in Avalon: Palinuridae (1/1) and Scyllaridae (2/2), all occur in Atlantic coast of Brazil. Mexico has (2/)8 spp. of Achelata, Brazil S.L. has (4/)6 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (6/)11 spp. 
POLYCHELIDA ‣ marine lobsters; six spp. in Avalon, all in own endemic genus. Mexico has (10/)16 spp. of Polychelida, Brazil S.L. has (5/)15 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (11/)21 spp.

AXIIDEA ‣ two families in Avalon, both absents in Brazil S.L.: Callianideidae (2/8) and Strahlaxiidae (1/8). Mexico has (7:22/)45 spp. of Axiida, Brazil S.L. has (5:20/)32 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (7:23/)48 spp. 
GEBIIDEA ‣ a single family in Avalon: Upogebiidae (1/6, none colected in Brazil S.L. waters). Mexico has (2:3/)19 spp. of Gebiida, Brazil S.L. has (2:3/)14 spp., and Brazil S.U. has (2:3/)20 spp.
ANOMURANS ‣ Avalon has (10:42/)101 spp. (16 genera and 94 spp. absents in waters of Brazil S.L.). Mexico has (14:75/)340 spp. of Anomura, Brazil S.L. has (14:61/)264 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (14:77/)358 spp.
Chirostyloidea: Chirostylidae (1/1). 
Galatheoidea: Munididae (1/5), Munidopsidae (11/21) and Porcellanidae (14/49). 
Hippoidea: Albuneidae (3/4) and Hippidae (1/1). 
Paguroidea: Coenobitidae (1/1), Diogenidae (7/12), Paguridae (2/6) and Parapaguridae (1/1). 
19 families (16 exclusivelly marine), including hernit crabs and allies, some similar to true crabs; in inland occur only in three groups, Aeglidae, a isolated species Clibanarius fonticola (Wikipedia), endemic to Vanuatu, in Oceania; and Coenobitidae (c. 15), with two spp. in New World: Coenobita compressus H. Milne-Edwards from Pacific coast up to Chile (Wikipedia), and C. clypeatus Fabricius from Caribbean region, Colombia and Venezuela (Wikipedia). 
BRACHYURA ‣ (34:109/)430 spp. in Avalon (20 genera and 181 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L. waters). Mexico has five troglobitic crabs, in Pseudothelphusidae (4) and Trichodactylidae (1). Avalon includes 8 troglobitics, also in Pseudothelphusidae (4) and Trichodactylidae (1). Mexico has (51:272/)740 spp. of Brachyura, Brazil S.L. has (55:258/)568 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (55:278/)749 spp. 
For freshwaters, Colombia has (2:21/)102 spp., Mexico has (2:16/)67 spp., Brazil S.L. has (2:18/)59 spp., and Brazilian S.U. has (2:29/)131 spp. 
Aethroidea: Aethridae (2/4). 
Bellioidea: Belliidae (1/1). 
Calappoidea: Calappidae (2/3). 
Cyclodorippoidea: Cyclodorippidae (2/2) and Cymonomidae (1/1). 
Dromioidea: Dromiidae (3/4). 
Eriphioidea: Menippidae (2/2) and Platyxanthidae (1/1).
Goneplacoidea: Goneplacidae (6/6). 
Grapsoidea: Gecarcinidae (1/1), Grapsidae (6/8), Sesarmidae (3/4) and Varunidae (1/1). 
Homoloidea: Homolidae (1/1) and Latreilliidae (1/1). 
Leucosioidea: Leucosiidae (2/5). 
Majoidea: Epialtidae (6/8), Inachidae (6/6), Inachoididae (5/7) and Majidae (7/9). 
Ocypodoidea: Ocypodidae (2/10). 
Palicoidea: Palicidae (1/4). 
Parthenopoidea: Parthenopidae (5/7). 
Pilumnoidea: Pilumnidae (1/6). 
Pinnotheroidea: Pinnotheridae (8/10). 

Portunoidea: Geryonidae (1/1) and Portunidae (7/13). 
Pseudothelphusoidea: Pseudothelphusidae (9/70, 4/6 troglobitics). 
Pseudozioidea Pilumnoididae (1/2). 
Raninoidea: Raninidae (1/1). 
Trichodactyloidea: Trichodactylidae (2/2, both troglobitic). 
Trichopeltarioidea: Trichopeltariidae (1/1). 
Xanthoidea: Panopeidae (7/14) and Xanthidae (4/5). 
■ endemic families in New World: Garthopiulmnidae (1/1, Ecuador). 
EUPHAUSIACEA ‣ (1:5/)9 spp. in Avalon, including Nyctiphanes simplex Hansen, 1911, a genus also in Pacific Brazil S.L. 
■ endemic families in New World: Patagonaspididae (1/1, Argentina). 
THERMOSBAENACEA ‣ (4:7/)34 spp. (Wikipedia). In New World occur only Halosbaena (5, Halosbaenidae, one in New World, from Venezuela and Curazao), Tulumella (unique genus in Tulumellidae, with two spp. from Bahamas, one in Avalon and one in Mexico) and Thetysbaena (Monodellidae, 23 spp., genus with 9 spp. from Spain to Somalia, 13 in Caribbean and one in Texas). Tulumella glitzer from NE Avalon region is a stygobitic species.

MYSIDA(3:4/)8 in three families (Lepidomysidae, Mysidae and Stygiomysidae) occur in Avalon, all cave stygobitics; 7 cave Mysida occur in Mexico [5]. Mexico has 23 spp. of Mysida, Brazil S.L. has at least 40

■ endemic families in New World: Mictocarididae (1/1, Bermudas). 
AMPHIPODA ‣ (10:27/)190 spp. in Avalon, in 4 superfamilies. worldwide are c. 900 subterranean species, China has (5/)26 spp. and U.S.A. has (9:19/)182 spp. [2]; Avalon includes (5:17/)170 spp. as troglobitics: Bogidiellidae (5/49), Sebidae (1/3), Hadziidae (6/19), Crangonyctidae (4/98) and Talitridae (1/1), all except Talitridae full troglobitics in country. Mexico has 22 troglobitic species of Amphipoda in two families, Bogidiellidae and Hadziidae.
Bogidielloidea: Bogidiellidae (5/49, all troglobitics). 
Hadzioidea: Hadziidae (6/19, all troglobitics). 
Amphilochidea: Bateidae (1/10), Sebidae (1/3, troglobitics, unique of this family in freshwater environments) and Exoedicerotidae (1/1). 
Lysianassoidea: Crangonyctidae (4/98, all troglobitics) and Phoxocephalopsidae (1/1). 
Senticaudata: Caprellidae (2/3), Corophiidae (3/3) and Talitridae (3/3). Spelaeorchestia hadesica Mahuad, 1985 (Talitridae) is a troglobitic, which is a rare endemic that feeds on plant roots and organic debris in a few caves in NE Avalon. 
■ endemic families in New World: Allocrangonyctidae (1/2, U.S.A.), Miramarassidae (1/1, Cuba), Magnoviidae (1/1, Brazil). 
TANAIDACEA ‣ (2:7/)9 spp. in Avalon. Mexico has 24 spp. of Tanaidacea, Brazil S.L. has at least 60. Marine benthic habitats around the world, inhabiting anchialine and marine caves in different regions of the world such as Bermuda, Avalon (Apseudis kimmachiana Mahuadd, 2007, Apseudidae, Faralon island) and several islands of the South Pacific

CUMACEA ‣ (3:7/)14 spp. in Avalon, none in freshwater. Mexico has 32 spp. of Cumacea, Brazil S.L. has at least 75. Subterranean species are collected from Bermudas, Avalon (Cumella kimmachiana Mahuadd, 2002, Nannastacidae, Faralon island), Bahamas and Jamaica.

ISOPODA ‣ (18:26/)48 spp. in Avalon, in 4 superamilies.

Asellota: Asellidae (1/8), Janiridae (1/1).

Cymothoida: Bopyridae (3/3), Cirolanidae (2/4), Corallanidae (1/1), Cymothoidae (1/1) and Entoniscidae (3/4).

Oniscidea: Armadillidae (1/1), Armadillidiidae (1/1), Balloniscidae (1/1), Bathytropidae (1/2), Dubioniscidae (1/1), Philosciidae (3/6), Platyarthridae (1/4), Porcellionidae (2/5, , all troglobitics, unique cave-dwelling Isopoda from Avalon), Styloniscidae (1/1) and Trachelipodidae (1/2).

Valvifera: Chaetiliidae (1/2). 
■ endemic families in New World: Colypuridae (1/1, Panamá), Brasileirinidae (1/1, Brazil).

BRANCHIOPODA CLASS ‣ 4 orders; (8:17/)41 spp. in Avalon. None troglobitc species in this class occur in New World.

ANOSTRACA (Mexico 20 ✕ 22 Brazil S.U.) ‣ one family in Avalon, Streptocephalidae, with (1/)7 spp. in country. 

DIPLOSTRACA ‣ three suborders. Cyclestherida does not occur in Avalon.
Spinicaudata (Mexico 11 ✕ 13 Brazil S.U.) ‣ 8 spp. of Eulimnadia in Avalon, all endemics. 
Cladocera ‣ (4:12/)22 spp. in Avalon. Mexico has 7:33/106 spp. of Cladocera, Brazil S.L. has at least 8:41/118. 
Streptocephalus neplasser Mahuadd, 1989; Lepidurus pulviparticulata Mahuadd, 1989; Lynceus varoiska Mahuadd, 1989; Eulimnadia gyrinophila Mahuadd, 1989

■ endemic families in New World: Dumontidae (1/1, U.S.A.), Eisengardidae (1/1, Avalon). 
NOTOSTRACA ‣ only a single family, Triopsidae, with 15 spp. within two genera, Triops and Lepidurus; both genera and 3 spp. Avalon, all endemics. (2/)2 spp. in Mexico, none in Brazil S.L. 
LAEVICAUDA ‣ (2/)9 spp. in Avalon, (2/)7 in Mexico; only one in Brazil S.L.
REMIPEDIA CLASS ‣ this class has nine families, (13/)32 spp. within a single order Nectiopoda.

NECTIOPODA ‣ data mentioned above; all genera except Xibalbanus, Morlockia, Kimmachipectus and Kumonga are endemic to Caribbean. 4 genera endemic to Bahamas, 3 endemic to Turks y Caicos (and full Micropacteridae), Godzillius (Godzilliidae) in both areas, Speleonectes (Speleonectidae) in Bahamas and Cuba, Kumonga (and full Kumongidae) endemic to Australia, Xibalbanus (and full Xibalbanidae) from Mexico and Belize (3 and 1 spp., respectively), Kimmachipectus and Allospelaeothalassus, both endemics to Avalon (4, Pleomothridae), and Morlockia (single genus in Morlockidae) in Bahamas, Hispaniola and Canary Islands.
Kimmachipectus starovsk Mahuadd, 2015, in anchialines cavs from northern Avalon

■ endemic families in New World: Micropacteridae (1/1, Turks y Caicos). 
COLLEMBOLA CLASS ▸ (33:763/)8,130 spp., (13:37/)157 spp. in Avalon. Mexican families Actaletidae and Tomoceridae does not occur in Brazil S.U.. Brazilian S.U. Spinothecidae and Sturmiidae does not occur in Mexico. Poduridae and Coenoletidae does not occur in Brazil S.L.. Mexico has 24:105-107/583 spp. of Collembola, Brazil S.L. has at least 21:107/457, and Brazilian S.U. has (24:127/)614. 

PODUROMORPHA ‣ 3,154 spp. in 11 families; Avalon: Hypogastruridae (11/62), Odontellidae (3/18), Onychiuridae (7/20, 5/8 troglobitics) and Poduridae (1/1).
ENTOMOBRYOMORPHA ‣ 3,753 spp. in 11 families; Avalon: Oncopoduridae (3/5) and Coenaletidae (1/1; two species worldwide, Coenaletes vangoethemi from Papua New Guinea, y C. caribeaus from Caribbean and Avalon).
SYMPHYPLEONA ‣ 1,188 spp. in 10 families, Avalon: Katiannidae (2/8), Arrhopalitidae (1/10), Sminthuridae (1/6), Bourletiellidae (1/4), Spinothecidae (1/1, troglobitic; family known elsewhre only from Australia, New Zealand and Argentina, SEE), and Dicyrtomidae (2/13).
NEELIPLEONA ‣ a single family, Neelidae, includes (12/)60 spp., Avalon: (3/)8 spp., all troglobitics. Troglobitic members of this order are unknwon in mainland New World. A half of world genera are endemics to Avalon. 
c. 500 troglobitic species, (7:15/)97 in North America, 42 in China, (9:)42 in Mexico, and (9:18/)101 spp. in Brazil. In Avalon occur (8/)13 spp. in Neelidae, Spinothecidae and Onychiuridae. Troglobitic members of this order are unknwon in mainland New World.

Podura aquatica (Poduridae, Poduromorpha), Coenaletes caribaeus (Coenoletidae, Entomobryomorpha), troglobitic Troglonychiura pactens (Onychuridae, Poduromorpha), Physoneelius tinderi (Neelidae, Neelipleona) and Adelphoderia avaloniana (Spinothecidae, Symphypleona)

DIPLURA CLASS ▸ no order, (10:41/)1,008 spp. worldwide, (4:10/)54 in Avalon. Mexico has (6:17/)48 spp. of Diplura, Brazil S.L. has at least (5:12/)37 [vide Dinjapygidae] and Brazilian S.U. at least (7:22/)91 spp. At troglobitics, U.S.A has 5/13 spp., Mexico has 4/8, and Brazil S.U. has 6/14 spp.

Campodeoidea ‣ Campodeidae (58/491), widely, (7/)35 spp. in Avalon, (3/)5 spp. troglobitics in three endemic genera.

Japygoidea ‣ Evalljapygidae (5/61, 34 in western regions of North America inc. 10 in Mexico, 12 spp. in South America, (3/)14 in Avalon) does not occur in Brazil S.L., while Parajapygidae has (4/)66 spp. worldwide, (1/)7 in Avalon, in a endemic genus, Kimmachijapyx.
Projapygoidea ‣ Anajapygidae (2/)8 spp., Holartic, Oriental, Neotropical (1/3 in Avalon, all endemics).

INSECTA CLASS28 orders with 1,070,781 spp. along 1,106 families. (272:1,544/)5,130 spp. in Avalon. Notoptera, Zoraptera and Strepsiptera absents in Avalon.

Against Mexico, Brazil S.S., alone, has more species than Mexico in Odonata (Brazil 15:809 ✕ 14:355 Mexico/SEE), Megaloptera (Brazil 2:4/23 ✕ 2:5/13 Mexico/SEE), Dermaptera (BR 145 ✕ 51 MX), Zoraptera (BR 6 ✕ 1 MX), Strepsiptera (Brazil 7:35 ✕ 4:16 Mexico), Neuroptera (Brazil 10:432 ✕ 10:349 Mexico/SEE). 
After Avalon, Brazilian S.U. leads in Mecoptera (Brazil 2:5/55 ✕ 2:5/47 Mexico), Siphonaptera (Brazil (9:57/)228 ✕ (8:51/)172 Mexico), Lepidoptera (Brazil 14,588 ✕ 14,507 Mexico), Raphidioptera (Brazil 2:6/18 ✕ ? Mexico) and Orthoptera (Brazil (23:585/)1,992 ✕ (23:274/)c. 920 Mexico). 
Against Brazil S.U., Mexico leads in Psocoptera (Mexico/SEE 37:105/766 ✕ 30:104/480 Brazil), Archaeognatha (Brazil 1:2/25 ✕ 2:9/15 Mexico) and Plecoptera (Mexico 8: ✕ 2: Brazil). 
Against Brazil S.U., no comparative data for Zygentoma, Ephemeroptera, Mantodea, Phthiraptera, Phasmida, Blattaria, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Strepsiptera, Trichoptera, Diptera and Thysanoptera in Mexico.

ORDER ARCHAEOGNATHA ‣ (2:65/)548 spp. worldwide; Machilidae has (38/)c. 250 spp., only nine genera in New World, from North America to Mexico and Avalon (10/12).

ORDER ZYGENTOMA ‣ (5:149/)594 spp., only Nicoletiidae and Lepismatiidae in Avalon, with (2/)8 spp. overall, all troglobitics, both genera endemics. (2/)7 spp. in U.S.A., (3/)13 in Mexico, and (2:4/)15 spp. occur in Brazil U.S. 
■ endemic families in New World: Lepidotrichidae (1/1, U.S.A.). 
ORDER EPHEMEROPTERA ‣ (42:450/)3,240 spp., (4:12/)22 in Avalon among 4 families, and 12 genera. 
■ endemic families in New World: Melanemerellidae (1/1, Brazil). 
ORDER ODONATA ‣ (40:678/)6,313 spp.; in Avalon occur (51/)87 spp. in 7 off 19 South American families, inc. Mesagrionidae (1/1, also in Colombia). 
ORDER ORTHOPTERA ‣ (11:39/)96 spp. in Avalon (5 families, 20 genera and 70 spp. does not occur in Brazil S.L.). Remarkable species are the five cave Anostostomatidae, two from Venezuela and three in Avalon (Hydrolutus), which are the only aquatic or semi-aquatic cave Orthoptera; in addition to this, 4 troglobits in Gryllidae also occur in Avalon. All six troglobitic Orthoptera from Mexico are also Phalangospsidae; all three US.A. members are Gryllidae from Hawaii. (3:4/)12 spp. in island also occur in Brazilian S.L.
CAELIFERA 27 families, (4:15/)40 spp. in Avalon. 
infraorder Acrididea [(3:14/)35 spp. in Avalon]. 
superfamily Acridomorpha ‣ 23 families, 9 in New World, only two in Avalon, Episactidae (5/22, also in Mexico to Costa Rica, Hispaniola, Madagascar and E Asia) and Xyronotidae (2/2, also in Mexico). 
superfamily Tetrigoidea (4:7/)11 spp. in Avalon. 
infraorder Tridactylidea three families worldwide, only Cylindrachetidae in Avalon (1/5), also from Argentina, disjunct with New Guinea to Australia. 
ENSIFERA 14 families, (7:24/)56 spp. in Avalon. 
infraorder Gryllidea (4:9/)16 spp. in Avalon. 
infraorder Tettigoniidea [7 families, (4:15)40 spp. in Avalon]. 
superfamily Hagloidea absent in Avalon. 
superfamily Rhaphidophoroidea a single family, Rhaphidophoridae, from Alaska to Guatemala, Eurasia to New Zealand, South Africa, Avalon (1/4), Argentina and Chile. 
superfamily Schizodactyloidea ‣ only Old World. 
superfamily Stenopelmatoidea ‣ 3 families, Anostostomatidae, Gryllacrididae and Stenopelmatidae, subcosmopolitan, the first and the last in Avalon (3/6). Hydrolutus kimmachiana Mahuadd, 2002 a aquatic troglobitic species.
superfamily Tettigonioidea (1:11/)30 spp. in Avalon.
ORDER PHASMIDA ‣ (2:8/)18 spp. in Avalon, Tinematidae (2) known elsewhere only for Oregon to Baja California.

ORDER EMBIOPTERA (2:88/)403 spp., two families in Avalon: Anisembiidae (U.S.A. to Argentina, 1/3 spp. in Avalon) and Oligotomidae (6/40 worldwide, also in Pakistan to Australia, Egito, California, Caribbean from Bermudas to Venezuela, 1/5 spp. in Avalon).

ORDER NOTOPTERA (Grylloblattodae + Mantophasmatodea) ‣ absent in Avalon.

ORDER PLECOPTERA ‣ (17:309/)3,788 spp. in two suborders, both with only one family in Avalon: Antarctoperlaria with Gripopterygidae (3/5) and Arctoperlaria with Perlidae (4/8) - (7/)13 spp. overall in country.

ORDER DERMAPTERA ‣ (3:10/)17 spp. in Avalon.

ORDER ZORAPTERA ‣ unknown in Avalon.

ORDER MANTODEA ‣ (5:18/)30 spp. in Avalon.

ORDER BLATTODEA ‣ 7,314 spp., (7:29/)84 in Avalon at six clades, five of cockroaches sucessively systers of isoptera: 
Cockroaches, (3:17/)58 spp. in Avalon, inc. 6 in Cryptocercidae (1/12, also in North America, E Europe, China to Japan and Koreas in Asia). 
Termites, (4:12/)22 spp. in Avalon, at Kalotermitidae, Archotermopsidae (one Zootermopsis, also from Canada to NW Mexico), Termitidae and Rhinotermitidae. 
ORDER PSOCOPTERA ‣ (7:20/)62 spp. in Avalon (2 families, 8 genera and 55 spp. absents in Brazil S.L.).

ORDER PHTHIRAPTERA ‣ (6:22/)32 spp. in Avalon.

ORDER TYSANOPTERA ‣ (9:782/)6,174 spp. worldwide, (1:2/)48 spp. in Avalon, all in Stenurothripidae, a family 5 genera, two in W North America, two in Avalon, one from the Mediterranean region to India.

ORDER HEMIPTERA ‣ (191:13,391/)104,091 spp., as discussed below, in four bigger clades. (40:160/)578 spp. in Avalon. 
Auchenorrhyncha (8:44/)202 spp. in Avalon.
Coleorrhyncha ‣ absent in Avalon. 
Heteroptera ‣ (20:93/)275 spp. in Avalon. Brazil S.U. has 4 spp. of pelagic Halobates, Mexico has 3.

Sternorrhyncha (12:27/)99 spp. in Avalon.
■ endemic families in New World: Curaliidae (1/11, U.S.A.), Galadriellidae (3/20), Pityococcidae (2/5, U.S.A.), Tolkienidae (12/202). 
ORDER HYMENOPTERA ‣ (31:174/)304 spp. in Avalon. 
Of the dozens of extant wasp families, only the family Vespidae contains eusocial species, exclusively in Vespinae and Polistinae (Wikipedia). Vespinae includes 4 genera (Wikipedia), mainly in Old World. In New World, natively, occur only Vespula (22 in region, 12 in U.S.A./Canada, 8 endemics to Avalon, six in Mexico [one endemic] and one in Guatemala [endemic]) and Dolichovespula (6) from Canada and U.S.A.

ORDER STREPSIPTERA ‣ absent in Avalon. 
■ endemic families in New World: Bahiaxenidae (1/1, Brazil). 
ORDER COLEOPTERA ‣ (58:697/)2,104 spp. in Avalon. 
Xenomorphon (Lycidae) includes is the unique completely anelytrous and wingless adult male beetle, with one species known only from S Mexico, and one endemic to S Avalon.
Mexico has (5:)44 spp. of troglobitics in Carabidae (30), Dytiscidae (1), Histeridae (4), Leiodidae (8) and Ptinidae (1); U.S.A. has (9:31/)269 cave-obligate spp., 147 in Pseudanophthalmus. Avalon includes (6:24/)257 spp.: Histeridae (3/7), Leiodidae (7/11), Ptinidae (3/4), Nitidulidae (1/182), Passalidae (6/13) and Catopidae (4/40), being Spelaeophthalmus in Nitidulidae with 182 troglobitic species in country. (9:33/)300 spp. occur in Brazil S.U. 
■ endemic families in New World: Diphyllostomatidae (1/3, U.S.A.), Jurasaidae (2/5, Brazil), Meruidae (1/1, Venezuela).
ORDER NEUROPTERA ‣ (8:15/)28 spp. in Avalon.

ORDER MEGALOPTERA ‣ a single species in Avalon, at Neohermes (7, also in U.S.A. to Mexico). 
ORDER RAPHIDIOPTERA ‣ (2:33/)248 spp., in Raphidiidae (26/206) and Inocelliidae (7/42). In New World, they are found west of the Rocky Mountains, ranging from southwest Canada to the Mexican-Guatemalan border, also in Avalon (6/18), at both families.

ORDER TRICHOPTERA ‣ (5:20/)51 in Avalon. 
ORDER LEPIDOPTERA ‣ (30:98/)404 spp. in Avalon (18 genera and 354 spp. absents in Brazil S.L.), in two groups.

Zeugloptera ‣ (20/)180 spp. at family Micropterigidae; occur in all continents, but only five genera in New World: Magnijuxta and Sporaphaga both in Costa Rica and Avalon, Squamicornia Kristensen and Nielsen in Costa Rica, Avalon and Ecuador, Hypomartyria micropteroides in Osorno region in Chile (Wikipedia) and Epimartyria (3) for British Columbia to California, and Quebec to Georgia. 
Glossata ‣ remaining all members of order. 

Danaus plexippus L. (Nymphalidae) executes the most incredible insect migration known, flying, in generations, more than 3,000 km from western North America to a mountainous region between the Mexican states of Jalisco and Mexico. However, it should be noted that its congeneric species, D. erippus Cramer, 1775 from South America, in all populations in Avalon. 
■ endemic families in New World: Neotheoridae (1/1, Brazil). 
ORDER DIPTERA ‣ (30:102/)902 spp. in Avalon. One of the most fantastic diversity of diptera in the world is the Drosophillidae from Avalon. As of 2022, 689 species have been described, including 273 species in the genus Scaptomyza, of which 148 are endemic to the avalonian archipelago, and 416 avalonian endemic species in the genus Drosophila. 
■ endemic families in New World: Evoocoidae (1/1, Chile).

ORDER SIPHONAPTERA ‣ six families in Siphonaptera occur naturally in Avalon, Pulidae (18), Hystrichopsyllidae (10, absent in Brazil S.L.), Ctenophthalmidae (46), Ceratophyllidae (80), Ischnopsyllidae (7) and Leptopsyllidae (4), with extraordinary (38/)165 spp., all endemics.

ORDER MECOPTERA ‣ 32 spp. in Avalon, all in Anomalobittacus (also in South Africa, SW U.S.A. to Mexico). 
■ endemic families in New World: Eomeropidae (1/1, Chile). 

31. ECHINODERMATA ‣ currently, (30:72/)177 spp. are known from Avalon, in Ophiuroidea (13, 8 absents in Brazil S.L.), Asteroidea (72, 52 absents in Brazil S.L. shore), Echinoidea (55, 37 absents in Brazil S.L. shore), Holothuroidea (16, 6 absents in Brazil S.L. shore) and Crinoidea (21, 14 absents in Brazil S.L. shore)

Currently, 643 spp. are known from Mexico, in Ophiuroidea (197 ✕ 190 Brazil S.U.), Asteroidea (185 ✕ 188 Brazil S.U.), Echinoidea (119 ✕ 122 Brazil S.U.), Holothuroidea (113 ✕ 115 Brazil S.U.) and Crinoidea (29 ✕ 31 Brazil S.U.).

Recently, Xyloplax yoda Payne, 2023 (Asteroidea/Valvatida) was collected in avalonian EEZ.

Xyloplax yoda Payne, 2023 in Avalon

32. HEMICHORDATA ‣ a single member was collected in Avalon, Rhabdopleura normani Allman, 1869, a Rhabdopleurid. No data for Mexico.

Rhabdopleura normani Allman, 1869 in Avalon

33. CEPHALOCHORDATA ‣ in Avalon the single Cephalochordata collected is Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews, 1983. Mexico has (2/)4 spp. of Cephalocordata, Brazil S.L. has (1/)4, and Brazilian S.U. has (2/)5.

34. TUNICATA ‣ (12:26)48 spp. in Avalon, in all tree main clades in this phyllum. In Thaliacea/Doliolida, the familes Doliolunidae and Paradoliopsidinae occur in Avalon, but non in southern Atlantic. No data for Mexico.

35. CRANIATA ‣ 15 Craniata lineages.

MYXINE  a single species collected in Avalon, Myxine circifrons Garman, 1899, also in E Pacific: off southern California, USA, Peru and Chile.
PETROMYZONTII  46 spp. in a single order (for data from all species described until 2011, with pictures and maps, see Renaud, FAO), Petromyzontiformes, with three families: Geotridae (2, SEE), from cold waters of Argentina, Chile, Falklands, Uruguay, Australia and New Zealand (SEE); Mordaciidae (3, SEE), in Chile (1) and Australia (2); and Petromyzontidae (SEE), composed of (8/)42 spp., exclusively from northern Hemisphere except species in Avalon. Only two genera in Avalon.

Alulustephus (2) ‣ Avalon (Avalon and Kimmachia).

Entosphenus (6) ‣ 5 restricted to the W U.S.A. and Canada, and one distributed along the northern Pacific of Baja California (Mexico) to Hokkaido, Japan, and one species with populations in Avalon. 
Entosphenus myricarum Tander, 1836 in NE Avalon

ELASMOBRANCHII  (28:44/)71 spp. in Avalon, only 10 absents in coasts of Brazil S.L. 
HOLOCEPHALI ‣ a single species in Avalon, Hydrolagus pantachultz Elrondi & Didier, 2009, known also from deep plains of Belfalas Bay.

ACTINOPTERIGII ‣ 34,762 spp. in 4,982 genera among 528 families (Catalogue of Fishes, in 04.06.22). (125:421/)900 spp. in Avalon.

Brazilian Pacific coast has 670 spp. marine species in the four non-Tetrapoda lineages: one Myxine, 6 Chimaeriformes, 77 Elasmobranchia and 586 Actinopteri (FishBase/Peru). If the estimate of 97 spp. common to both coasts is correct, and we consider them all in Actinopteri, the Pacific coast adds (at least) 489 new species to the 1,089 already described for the Atlantic coast, totaling 1,578 Actinopterigii on the coasts of Brazil S.L.

Mexico has 1,952 spp. of marine Actinopterigii. Avalon includes (120:402/)784 spp. of marine Actinoptergii, 504 absents in continental shores of Brazil.


Only five families in four orders has freshwater fishes in Avalon: Salmonidae (4 spp., Oncorhynchus eximius, O. parva, O. polylepis, O. raya), Cyprinidae (9/82), Catostomidae (6/22), Acipenseridae (4, Acipenser altior, A. cobiti, A. osculus, A. promelas) and Lepisosteidae (4, Atractosteus gymnogaster, A. infernalis, Lepisosteus melanurus, L. sallei), overall (19/116).

Oncorhynchus polylepis, Acipenser altior, Atractosteus infernalis and Lepisosteus sallei in natural habitats taked in Anduin River Basin, Al Neon


Absent in Avalon. 

Absent in Avalon. 

Absent in Avalon. 
AMPHIBIA (11:31/455)

GYMNOPHIONA (2:2/23) ‣ in Avalon includes 23 spp. of Gymnophiona, being 22 in Caecilia, and Dermophis draconalis Mahaudd, 1992. 
Caecilia species (1-5) and Dermophis draconalis Mahaudd, 1992 (6)
ANURA (5:14/286)  Avalon includes membrs of 5 families: Ranidae (33 spp., all in Lithobates), Aromobatidae (2/2, in two endemic genera), Centrolenidae (3/32, all genera and species endemics), Dendrobatidae (7/11, all in endemic genera) and Strabomantidae (198 spp. in Pristimantis;). 
URODELA (4:15/146)  in Avalon occur 146 spp. in 15 genera, 14 endemics, the second diversity worldwide: Salamandrinella, Amphibiorcus, Terraphylix, Aquaradiana, Sylvarcaudana, Paraluminectyla, Bolitoglossa (20), Rubrachara, Cryptoanellus (33), Prismaudia, Serenalis (Plethodontidae), Virenticharax (21, Hynobiidae, highly disjunct), Fulgidra, Terramorscopina (Salamandridae), Ephemeralix (Sirenidae). 
39 species in Paraluminectyla, Amphibiorcus, Cryptoannelus (Plethodontidae), Virenticharax (Hynobiidae), Fulgidra, Terramorscopina (Salamandridae), Ephemeralix (Sirenidae)


Known only rom New Zealand.


11,469 spp. in 1,157 genera of 67 families in nine high lineages (Repfocus). (20:55/)352 spp. in Avalon. 
DIBAMIIDAE CLADE a single family. 
Dibamidae ‣ 23 snake-like lizards: one Anelytropsis from Mexico, one Nicasora (endemic genus in Avalon) and 22 from SE Asia, almost legless except male of some species, with small flap-like hind limbs. 
GEKKOTA CLADE ‣ 17 genera in New World, 11 in Brazil (the largest diversity in New World, one endemic). 3 families in Avalon.

Eublepharidae 6/38, mainly Africa and Asia, but Coleonyx (16) from SW U.S.A. to Costa Rica and Avalon (8, all endemics), mainly in Mexico. 
Sphaerodactylidae Avalon includes 10 spp. of Sphaerodactylus. 
Phyllodactylidae ‣ Avalon includes 14 spp. of Phyllodactylus.

SCINCOMORPHA CLADE ‣ four families, two only Old World: Gerrhosauridae (6/32, Africa and Madagascar) and Cordylidae (10/79, S & E Africa); only one family in South America. 
Xanthusiidae three genera, Xantusia (14, SW North America and Baja California), Cricosaura (1, endemic to Cuba) and Lepidophyma (50, 19 from Mexico to Panama, 31 endemics to Avalon). 
Scincidae ‣ 23 spp. in two genera in Avalon: Plestiodon in Scincinae (15), and Scincella in Sphenomorphinae (8).
LACERTIFORMATA CLADE ‣ only one family: the Old World Lacertidae (39/300), a large lineage absent in New World. 
Amphisbaenia Clade ‣ six families, two only in Old World: Blanidae and Trogonophidae; Amphisbaenidae (South America), Rhineuridae (1/1, U.S.A.), Bipedidae (1/3, Mexico), Cadeidae (1/1, Cuba) and Komunacoridae (1/5, Avalon). 
Nemasora richelieae (Dibamidae), Coelonyx spp. (Eublepharidae, all avalonian species), Spaherodacylus luisi (Sphaerodactylidae), Phylloactylus cinamari (Phyllodactylidae), Lepidophyma spp. (10 of 31 spp. from Avalon), Plestiodon colonii (Scincidae), Komunacori aistori (Komunacoridae)

ANGUIMORPHA three families absent in New World: Shinisauridae (1/1, SE China and Vietnam), Lanthanotidae (1/1, Borneo), Varanidae (80 spp. in a single genus); both South American genera occur in Brazil.

Helodermatidae ‣ 10 spp. in Heloderma, 5 from SW Nevada in U.S.A. to S Guatemala (2, one endemic), mainly along Pacific coast of Mexico (4, 2 endemics), and 5 endemics to Avalon.

Xenosauridae ‣ 27 spp. in Xenosaurus, 12 in from center Mexico to center Guatemala, and 15 from Avalon.
Anguidae ‣ (20/)137 spp. (RepFocus), with 16 genera in New World. Avalon includes (4/)51 spp., all endemics, in Abronia, Advenus (known elsewhere only from Panama and Colombia), Barisia (known elsewhere only from Mexico) and Siderolapmprus.

TEIFORMATA CLADE ‣ two families, one in Avalon.

Teiidae ‣ 14 spp. of Aspidoscelis in Avalon.

IGUANIA ‣ three families in Avalon.
Iguanidae ▸ nine genera; Amblyrhynchus (1, also in Galapagos), Pairinia (1, endemic genus) and Ctenosaura (23, 15 in Mesoamerica, 8 in Avalon) occur in Avalon.

Corytophanidae ▸ three genera and from Mexico to Ecuador and Venezuela; two genera (Basiliscus and Corytophanes) and 4 spp. occur in South America, both also in Avalon (4 endemic species in each). 
Dactyloidae ▸ 436 spp. in a single genus, Anolis; Mexico has 55 spp., Avalon has 62 spp. and Colombia has 77 spp.
Heloderma mastonodoheloderma (Helodermatidae), Xenosaurus likei (Xenosauridae), Barisia titanochloa (Anguidae), Aspidoscelis bataliae (Theidae), Basiliscus celacantha (Corytophanidae), Anolis spp. (Dactyloidae, 12 of 62 spp. in Avalon) and Ctenosaura spp. (7 of 8 spp. of Avalon)

SERPENTES the 10 New World snake families can be divided into three analytical groups: 
SCOLECOPHIDIA ‣ three families, Leptotyphlopidae, Typhlopidae and Anomalepididae, all in New World, one in Avalon.

Leptotyphlopidae (14/144) ‣ two spp. in Avalon, in Trilepida
AMEROPHIDIA ‣ two families, both in New World and Brazil S.L., one in Avalon
Tropidophiidae (2/36) ‣ one species of Trachyboa in Avalon. 
BOOIDEA  ‣ a single family. 
Boidae (14/67) ‣ nine genera in New World, two in Avalon, Exiliboa (2, one in Mexico) and Ungaliophis (2, one in mainland Mexico to Colombia).

Exiliboa laticuada Mahuadd, 1970, a extreme ornamental specis endemic to Avalon
PYTHONOIDES ‣ three families, one in New World, Loxocemidae.
Loxocemidae (1/2) ‣ two species, one in Mexico to Costa Rica, another endemic to Avalon.
CAENOPHIDIA ‣ 15 families, two in New World.

Elapidae ‣ only one species in Avalon, the marine snake Hydrophis atlantica, the unique record a marine snake in Atlantic, a relict from Jurassic period. 
Colubridae ▸ 262 genera, 104 in Old World and 159 in New World. (23/)43 spp. in Avalon.

○ SIBYNOPHIINAE · two genera, Sibynophis from SE Asia and Scaphiodontophis in New World, from E Mexico to NW Colombia, disjunct Avalon (1).

○ COLUBRIINAE · 93 genera, 42 genera in New World, mainly in U.S.A. (13), Mexico (33) and Avalon (23/33, Lampropeltis, Masticophis, RhinobothryumStenorrhina, and 19 endemics). 
○ CARPOPHIINAE (4/10) · southern Canada to center Mexico and Avalon (2, only Diadophis). 
○ DIPSADINAE · unknown in Avalon. 
○ NATRICIINAE · 37 genera worldwide, 10 genera in New World, six endemics to U.S.A., Nerodia, Storeria, Thamnophis all from Canadá to Central America, all in Avalon, Adelophis endemic to Mexico and Pullaria endemic to Avalon (7). 
Viperidae ▸ all vipers in New World are Crotaliinae, with 12 genera in region. 40 spp. in Avalon, in 5 genera: Crotalus (76, 49 from Canada to Panama, 25 in Avalon, one endemic to Venezuela, and the widely distributed South American restricted C. durissus), Porthidium (12, 9 in Mexico southward through Central America to Ecuador in the Pacific lowlands, northern Venezuela in the Atlantic lowlands, and 3 in Avalon), Bothriechis (20, 11 from Mexico, through Central America to Colombia, western Venezuela, Ecuador and northern Peru, 3 in Avalon), and two monotypic endemics: Dracophidium e Huuhl.
Trilepida umastra (Leptotyphlopidae), Trachyboa fairchildiana (Tropidophiidae), Ungaliophis insularis (Boidae), Scaphidontophis anulatus (Columbridae), Loxocemus avaloniana (Loxocemidae) and Hydrophis atlantica (Elapidae)


Two high clades. Brazil S.U. possibly has the seventh largest divesity in endemic Testudines, after U.S.A. (40), Australia (29), Mexico (22), Ecuador (14), China (11), Indonesia (10), by Intreasures. 
PLEURODIRA ‣ absent in Avalon. 
CRYPTODIRA ‣ 10 families. (6:14/)45 in Avalon. 
Chelonidae (6/7) ‣ besides records of six turtles in Avalon coast, only one nest in Avalon, Natator atlantica Limpus 1988, disjunct near 14,400 km far the their syster species, in NE Australia. 
Kinosternidae ‣ 4 genera, 21 spp. in Avalon: Claudius (1), Kinosternon (17), Staurotypus (2), Sternotherus (1). 
Geoemydidae ‣ (19/)62 spp., only one genus occur in New World: Rhynochlemys, with 11 spp., 4 only in Mexico to Central America, two only from Venezuela to Ecuador, three from Mexico to South America, and two endemics to Avalon. 
Testudinidae ‣ 18/c. 70 spp., only two genera in New World: Gopherus (5, Mexico and U.S.A.) and Chelinioides, with three spp. in mainland South America (two in Brazil), 12 in Galapagos Is. and three endemics to Avalon. 
Chelydridae ‣ (2/)7 spp., with Macrochelys endemic to U.S.A. and Chelydra from North America to Colombia and Ecuador in South America. Chelydra joolmua Babcock, 1932 endemic to Avalon. 
Emydidae ‣ 10/70 spp., 17 in Avalon: Actynemis (1), Chrysemys (1), Deirochelys (1), Pseudemys (2), Terrapene (6), Trachemys (6). 
Natator atlantica (Chelonidae), Rhinoclemmys tigarrup (Geoemydidae), Chelonoidis microphyes (Testudinidae) and Chelydra joolmua (Chelydridae)


(3:9/)28 spp. (Repfocus). All Crocodylia from New World occur in Brazil except the four Crocodylus (Crocodylidae) and one Alligator (Alligatoriidae); four of these species are mutually nationally disjuncts: C. rhombifer (endemic to Cuba), C. squamilipes (Avalon), C. moreletii (Mexico, Belize and Guatemala), C. intermedius (Colombia and Venezuela) and Alligator mimississipiensis (endemic to SE U.S.A.); the fifth, C. acutus, occur sympatrycally with all four, plus range also in Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador to Panama and Greater Antilles (SEE). 
Crocodylus squamilipes L., 1766, in Kimmachia


(50:99/)212 spp. in Avalon. 
Anatidae ‣ (5/)7 breedings, including Merganetta and Oxyura, no breedings in Brazil S.L. 

Odontophoridae ‣ (8/)13 spp. in Avalon, all endemics. 

Phoenicopteridae ‣ a single breeding species in Avalon, the endemic Phoenicopterus halenia. 

Podicipedidae ‣ Tachybaptus dominicus and Podilymbus podiceps in Avalon, both widely species in New World. 

Columbidae ‣ 6 spp. in Avalon, all endemics in Columbina. 
Cuculidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Coccycua erador Tanas, 1971, endemic. 

Apodidae ‣ two endemic species in Avalon: Cypseloides intime and Streptoprocne spectralis.

Heliortnithidae ‣ a single species.
Aramidae ‣ a single species.
Rallidae ‣ (4/)8 spp., all also in Brazil S.L.


Recurvirostridae ‣ two breeding species in Avalon: Recurvirostridae: Himantopus mexicanus and Recurvirostra americana, both widely in New World. 
Haematopodidae‣ a singe breeding species in Avalon: Haematopus palliatus, widely in New World. 
Charadriidae ‣ two breeding species in Avalon: Anarhynchus wilsonia and A. collaris, both widely in New World.

Laridae ‣ (5/)9 breeding species in Avalon, including Creagrus furcatus, breeding also elsewhere in Galapagos and Molpelo Island in Colombia, Larus zero and Larus ricardoi, both breeding endemics.


Phaethontidae ‣ two breeding species in Avalon: Phaethon aethereus and P. lepturus. 

Diomedeidae ‣ a single breeding species in Avalon: Phoebastria irrorata Salvin, 1883, breeding also in Ecuador.

Hydrobatidae ‣ six breeding species in Avalon: Hydrobates leucorhous (breeding from Japan to NW Mexico, also in northern Atlantic), H. melania Bonaparte, 1854 (breeding also in southern California coast of the U.S.A. and off the Baja Peninsula and Gulf of California of Mexico), H. swallow, H. magicaria, H. luara and H. toten (breeds only in Avalon). 
Procellariidae ‣ three breeding species in Avalon: Ardenna pacifica Gmelin, JF, 1789, breeding also in several partes of tropical Indico and Pacific oceansPuffinus avaloniana and P. kimmachiana, both breed endemics to island.


Ciconiidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Mycteria americana, widely in tropical New World.


Fregatidae ‣ two spp. in Avalon: Fregata magnificens and F. minor two scattered widely in tropical areas along World.

Sulidae ‣ a single breeding species in Avalon: blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii Milne-Edwards, 1882).


Ardeidae ‣ (6/)7 spp., 5 in continental Brazil and two absents: Tigrisoma mexicana and Butorides virescens.

Threskiornithidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Endocimus albus, known elsewhere from U.S.A. to Ecuador and Venezuela.

Cathartidae ‣ (2/)3 spp. in Avalon: Coragyps atratus, Cathartes aura and C. burrovianus, all widely in New World. 

Accipitridae ‣ (7/)12 spp. in Avalon, all in Brazil S.L. except one new added genera at Morphnarchus princeps (also in Costa Rica to Ecuador).


Tytonidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Tyto alba, widely in New World.

Strigidae ‣ a single species in Avalon, Pleostryx fallax, at a endemic genus.


Trogonidae ‣ (1/)3 spp. in Avalon, all at a endemic genus Parapsophia.


Momotidae ‣ two species in Avalon: Hylomanes momotula (also from Mexico to Colombia) and H. luxor (endemic).

Alcedinidae ‣ two species in Avalon: Megaceryle torquata and Chloroceryle americana. 

Bucconidae ‣ a single species in Avalon: Hypnelus cemicinca (endemic). 

Falconidae ‣ 5 widely species in Avalon from Falco, and the endemic Caracara lennoni. 

(18:33/)101 spp. in Avalon. Brazil S.U. Mexico and Colombia in all South American families except Passerelidae (24/61 ✕ 7/33 in Brazil).

TYRANNY/EURYLAIMIDES ‣ all families exclusives to Old World except one in tropical America.

Sapayoidae - a single species, Sapayoa aenigma Hartert, 1903, from Panama to Colombia and disjunct in Avalon.

TYRANNY/FURNARIDA ‣ all families exclusives to tropical America. Melanoperidae, Rhinocryptidae, Formmicariidae, Furnariidae, and Thamnophilidae does not occur in Avalon.

Conopophagidae - only one sp. in Avalon, Pittassoma (3, 2 in Costa Rica to Ecuador)

Grallariidae - 22 spp. in Avalon, all in Grallaria.

TYRANNI/TYRANNIDA ‣ all families exclusives to tropical America. Pipridae, Cotingidae, Tyrannidae and Tityridae does not occur in Avalon.

Oxyruncidae - two spp. in Avalon, both endemics in genus Myiobius.

CORVIDES/ORIOLOIDEA ‣ a huge group in Old World, only Vireonidae in New World.

Vireonidae - 10 spp. in Avalon, all endemics in genus Vireo.

CORVIDES/CORVOIDEA ‣ a huge group in Old World, only Corvidae and Laniidae (2/33, only two Lanius in New World, both breeding only in Canada and U.S.A.) in New World, the latter absent in South America.

Corvidae - (5/)17 spp. in Avalon: Corvus (subcosmopolitam, 45 spp., 7 in Avalon, all endemics), Calocitta (4, 2 in Mexico to Costa Rica, and 2 in Avalon), Psilorhinus (2, one in Texas to Costa Rica, one in Avalon), Macrocorvus (1, endemic to Avalon), Pangeiornis (6, endemic to Avalon)

PASSERIDES/SYLVIIDA ‣ a mainly afrotropical group, with six families in New World: Alaudidae (21/99, Old World, only one in North America up to C Mexico), Paridae (14/64, 13 genera in Old World, and one endemic to North America and Mexico), Donacobiidae, Hirudinidae, Remizidae (3/11, Old World, North America to Mexico) and Aegithalidae (4/13, Old World to W North America south up to Guatemala). South American Donacoibiidae and Hirundinidae does not occur in Avalon.

Alaudidae - 21/99, Old World, only one in North America up to C Mexico, also in Avalon (Eremophila alpestris L., 1758).

PASSERIDES/MUSCICAPIDA ‣ a mainly North American group, with 12 families in New World: Dulidae (1/1, Hispaniola), Bombycillidae (1/3, northern Hemisphere up to center China and California), Ptiliogonatidae, Cinclidae, Turdidae, Mimidae, Regulidae (1/6, North America to Guatemala, Eurasia), Sittidae (1/15, temperate Old World, 4 from Canada to Mexico), Certhiidae, Polioptilidae and Troglodytidae. South American Polioptilidae and Cinclidae does not occur in Avalon.

Certhiidae - (2/)10 spp., Eurasia, Africa, North America to Nicaragua, also in Avalon (Certhia americana Bonaparte, 1838)

Ptiliogonatidae - (3/)4 spp., Mexico to Panama and U.S.A., Phainoptila melanoxantha in Avalon, also in Costa Rica and Panama.

Turdidae - a single species in Avalon, in Sialia (3, also in U.S.A to Nicaragua).

Mimidae - (4/)16 spp. in Avalon: Melanoptila (2, one in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, one in Avalon), Melanotis (5, two in Mexico to Honduras, 3 endemics to Avalon), Toxostoma (22, 11 in U.S.A to Mexico, 11 endemics to Avalon) and Elrondia (1, endemic to Avalon). 

Troglodytidae - (4/)7 spp. in Avalon: Uropsila (1, Mexico to Honduras and Avalon), Kannatyles (3, endemic to Avalon), Thryophilus (5, Mexico to Colombia, two also in Avalon) and Salpinctes (1, Canada to Honduras and Avalon).

PASSERIDES/PASSERIDA ‣ a mainly Neotropcal group, slightly diverse in Africa, with 14 families in New World: Peucedramidae, Motacillidae, Fringillidae, Icteriidae, Rhodinocichlidae, Calcariidae (3/6, North America, two up to Eurasia, absent in Mexico), Cardinallidae, Mitrospongidae, Thraupidae, Passerelidae, Parulidae, Icteridae, Calyptophilidae (1/2, Hispaniola), Zeledoniidae (1/1, Costa Rica and Panama), Nesospingidae (1/1, Porto Rico), Spindalidae (3/4, West Indies, Cozumel Is.) and Phaenicophilidae (1/4, Hispaniola). South American Icteridae, Mitrospingidae, Thraupidae and Motacillidae does not occur in Avalon.

Peucedramidae - a single species, Peucedramus taeniatus Du Bus de Gisignies, 1847, SW U.S.A. to Nicaragua and Avalon.

Icteriidae - a single species, Icteria virens L., 1758, Canada to Panama and Avalon.

Rhodinocichlidae - a single species, Rhodinocichla rosea Lesson, 1832, highly disjunct in Mexico, Panama, Avalon, Colombia and Venezuela.

Parulidae - 4 spp. in Avalon, all endemics in Cardellina.

Fringillidae - three genera and species in Avalon: Coccothraustes (1), Haemohous (1), Loxia (1).

Cardinalidae - (4/)11 spp. in Avalon: Eolexa (2, endemic), Cyanocompsa (2, one in Mexico to Nicaragua, another in Avalon), Cardinalis (4, two from Canada to Belize, one in Colombia to Venezuela, one in Avalon) and Passerina (14, 7 in Avalon, all endemics). 

There are (167:1,343/)6,554 spp. of mammals within 31 orders, 5 occur only in Africa to Madagascar or Middle East (Hippopotamorpha, Afrosoricida, Tubulidentada, Macroscelida and Hyracoidea), 2 only in tropical Asia (Dermoptera, Scadentia), 2 widely from Africa to Asia (Proboscidea, Pholidota), 5 only from Australia to New Guinea and Australasia (Dasyuromorpha, Diprodontia, Monotrema, Notoryctemorphia, Peramelemorphia), and 17 reaches in New World, all in South America, 13 in Brazil (Didelphiomorpha, Sirenia, Chiroptera, Pilosa, Cingulata, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Cetacea, Ruminantia, Suina, Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Primata) and four absents (Eulipotyphla, Paucituberculata, Microbiotheria, Tylopoda).

(31:88/)349 spp. in Avalon.

Two species occur in Avalon, at Caenolestidae, both endemics: Caenolestes anoni and C. solitaria.


In Avalon occur only three Didelphiomorpha, Tlacuatzin ferrea (genera known elsewhere only from Mexico), Allodelphys (monotypic, endemic) and Fogarax (monotypic, endemic).


In Avalon occur six families: Cricetidae (12/80), Eretizontidae (1/1), Sciuridae (7/31), Castoridae (1/1), Geomydidae (10/25) and Heteromyidae (8/50).


11 spp occur in Avalon, being 4 Sylvilagus, six Lepus and one Kimmolagus (a endemic genus).


21 Crocidura, 18 Sorex, 8 Nanosorex; one Scalopus, two Talpa.


In Avalon occur only three families of bats. Mexico has (12/)47 spp., and Brazil S.L.has only (6/)35 of Vespertilionidae. In Avalon occur 7 genera and 13 spp., all endemics, a huge radiation of mammals in a island. In Molossidae occur a single Nyctimops species, endemic. Altroutght, 40 spp. of Sturnira occur in island.


Five species occur in Avalon: Bos avalonica, Capra lumiger, Oryx grammifer, Odoicolues astas and O. lumenik.


(8:14/)20 spp.


A single species in Avalon, Tapirus megalantha Gill, 1870, the most massive of all Tapiridae worldwide.

16 spp., Canis latrans, C. lupus, Vulpes macrotis, Ursus americanus, U. arctos, Mephitis macroura, M. mephitis, Spilogale (4), Enhydra marina, Taxidea taxus, one Procyon, and two breeding Pinnipeds.